
Forum annuel du GDR Vision, lille, 21 et 22 Octobre 2021


The forum will feature oral communications, a poster session and three invited keynote talks.

Download the program & abstracts

Keynote speakers


Sabrina Hansmann-Roth

SCALab - CNRS, Universite de Lille

On the real bandwidth of perceptual experience: Detailed internal representations of visual ensembles


Jean Lorenceau

Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center - CNRS, Universite de Paris

La pupille voit double : Dr Jekill et Mister Hyde dans l'œil du cyclope


Claudia Lunghi

Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, Département d'Etudes Cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure & CNRS

Reactivating Visual Plasticity in Adult Humans

Forum schedule :

Thursday 21/10

Imaginarium, Plaine Images, Tourcoing

12h30 Welcome
13h Sabrina Hansmann-Roth - On the real bandwidth of perceptual experience: Detailed internal representations of visual ensembles
14h Kim Beneyton - Evidence for feedback pattern motion signals in early visual areas
14h15 Anna Montagnini - Expectations about motion direction affect perception and anticipatory smooth pursuit differently
14h30 Gaelle Nicolas - Neural Correlates of Intra-saccadic Motion Perception
14h45 Thérèse Collins - Serial dependence tracks objects and scenes in parallel and independently
15h CAFE
15h30 Jade Guénot - Optic flow processing in macular degeneration patients
15h45 Sara Monteiro - Development of a large-scale screening tool for functional vision impairments in early childhood
16h Hanane Ramzaoui - Instrumental activities of daily living and visual search: Analysis of eye movements in Alzheimer's disease
16h15 Aurélie Calabrèse - Can individuals with central field loss perform head pointing tasks in a virtual reality environment?
16h30 Léa Entzmann - EyeProxy_DB : une base de donnees ouverte sur le systeme visuel de jeunes volontaires sains (signaux oculometriques, EEG et IRM)
16h45 Eric Castet - From translational research on low vision to the use of virtual reality for rehabilitation, visual aids and ... visual neuroscience

From 6pm : Social - Bistrot St-So (beers / drinks / finger food)

Friday 22/10

Amphi B7, Lille University, Campus Pont de Bois, Villeneuve d'Ascq

9h Jean Lorenceau - La pupille voit double : Dr Jekill et Mister Hyde dans l'œil du cyclope
10h Jonathan Vacher - Unifying Different Psychometric Methods : Theory and Experiment
10h15 Miao Li - Feature migration in redundancy masking
10h30 Dandan Yu - Foveal input can be ignored in ensemble emotion perception
10h45 CAFE + Posters
11h45 Pascal Mamassian - A generative model for visual confidence judgments
12h Adrien Paire - Quest+ : Reliability of PSE estimation, but sensitivity overestimation
12h15 Laurie Gallas - Spatial dynamics of perceptual rhythms
12h30 Anne-Laure Vittek - Single-units and local field potentials in the medial pulvinar show multisensory integration
12h45 LUNCH + Posters
13h45 Claudia Lunghi - Reactivating Visual Plasticity in Adult Humans
14h45 Rasa Gulbinaite - Spatial dimension of resonance phenomena in mouse primary visual cortex
15h Camille Fakche - Phase-amplitude tradeoffs of spontaneous alpha oscillations predict cortical excitability and visual perception
15h15 CAFE + Posters
15h45 Marie-Alphée Laurent - Towards an optimal comparison of cortical (face) networks in macaques and humans with fMRI frequency-tagging
16h Hugo Ladret - Modulation of orientation selectivity by orientation precision in V1
16h15 Manuel Vidal - Reef fishes in a video game: Assessing their visual abilities to recognize conspecifics and predators
16h30 Business


Venues :

Thursday 21st : The forum will take place at l'Imaginarium where the equipex Irdive is hosted, located at the Plaine Images, in Tourcoing. See the map below. The address is 99a Boulevard Descat 59200 Tourcoing. It takes 30 minutes from the Gare Lille Flandres / Gare Lille Europe to get to the building. Métro line 2 Arrêt Alsace

Friday 22nd : The forum will take place at the Lille University, Campus Pont de Bois, in Villeneuve d'Ascq. It takes 20 minutes from the Gare Lille Flandres to get to the building. Métro line 1 Arrêt Pont de Bois. Talks will take place within the amphi B7 (buidling B, see this map.

Thursday 21st : Social event : We will gather at the Bistrot de St So, for drinks and finger food. From Tourcoing it takes about 35 minutes to get there. Métro line 2 Arrêt Mairie de Lille. It's a nice 15 minutes walk from the city center.

 Map : Imaginarium, Tourcoing (Thursday 21st)

 Map : Lille University, Pont de Bois, Villeneuve d'Ascq (Friday 22nd)

 Map : Bistrot St-So (Social Thursday 21st)


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